Each year, it is estimated that ​termites ​cause over 5 billion dollars in damages within the U.S. alone. Annually termites cause more property damage than floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes combined. These small insects leave a big impact, so don’t let your family or business go unprotected.

Subterranean Termites ​colonize quickly to destroy architecture​ and our job is to “beat them to the punch”. That is why at Kammermann's we use the best professional termite product on the market, ​Termidor​.​ ​Termidor ​is a safe, effective liquid barrier that is placed around your home or business that enables termiticide to be transferred to the queen by colonizer termites, eradicating the problem at the source.

Our three-step solution makes it easy to protect your investments and remain termite-free.

  1. Schedule your Free Estimate.

    1. One of our highly-skilled exterminators will assess the situation at your home or business and will tailor a personalized service plan to meet your needs.

  2. Termite Treatment

    1. Once the areas of concern are evaluated, we put our plan into action.

  3. Annual Termite Control Guarantee

    1. Kammermann’s will work with you to schedule annual visits to assure the termite solution is working and that there is no new activity threatening your real estate investment.

Kammermann’s three-step solution to termite control guarantees protection from termites for now and years to come. ​Schedule ​your free estimate today!